Myomectomy in Norcross, GA


A myomectomy is a surgical procedure that removes uterine fibroids, which are benign growths that form in and around the uterus. Typically occurring during the childbearing years, fibroids can lead to pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and even pregnancy complications. While there are multiple treatments for uterine fibroids, patients who still wish to have children in the future might benefit from a myomectomy. At Gynecology and Cosmetic Surgery Center of Atlanta, our team helps improve the lives of our patients through compassionate gynecological care. With many years of experience, Dr. Gerry Sotomayor is an expert in diagnosing and addressing fibroids and can determine the best treatment option during an appointment near Norcross, GA.


Even though fibroids are noncancerous, they can still significantly affect your quality of life and potentially lead to unwanted pelvic and gynecological complications. At Gynecology and Cosmetic Surgery Center of Atlanta, we offer myomectomy, or surgical removal of fibroids, so women in the Metro Atlanta area can find pain relief. Benefits of myomectomy performed at our Norcross, GA facility include:

  • Relieving pain associated with fibroids
  • Alleviating heavy periods, bleeding between menstrual cycles, and iron deficiencies
  • Decreasing pain during sex
  • Improving stress incontinence issues
  • Diminishing bloating and an enlarged uterus
  • The surgery is performed laparoscopically


Ideal candidates for myomectomy at our Norcross, GA facility are women who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids and still want to preserve their uterus. Dr. Sotomayor understands that your body is unique and will work with you to determine the best way for your needs. During an appointment at our facility, our team can carefully review your medical history, diagnose fibroids if present, and discuss potential risks associated with myomectomy before moving forward with a treatment plan.


For patients who have uterine fibroids, Dr. Sotomayor provides a number of treatments based on the severity of the condition, including the type and size of the fibroids. Myomectomy is an outpatient procedure that can often be done using a minimally invasive technique known as laparoscopy, which involves making a smaller incision and has a shorter healing time when compared to a traditional open myomectomy. Once the incision is made, your surgeon will remove the fibroid using a special instrument, which is guided with a laparoscope (a thin tube with a camera on the end). The incision will then be sealed back together. Following a myomectomy, you will be released to go home to recover. Our team will provide aftercare instructions and monitor your healing progress to ensure you have a successful recovery.


After undergoing a myomectomy, there are several aspects to anticipate during the recovery process. Initially, some discomfort, mild pain, and swelling around the incision site are common. Our team may prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort. It’s important to follow post-operative care instructions diligently, which may include restrictions on strenuous activities, lifting heavy objects, and driving for a certain period. During this time, regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress. It’s normal to experience changes in menstrual patterns and mild abdominal discomfort as your body heals.


How long will my recovery be?
The general recovery period is dependent on how intensive your initial myomectomy was, as well as the surgical techniques employed. Laparoscopic cases should allow you to be home by the day after the procedure. Your activity will need to be decreased for 4-6 weeks after your procedure as your body recovers.


Are there any side effects?
You may notice cramps that feel similar to menstrual cramps as you recover. In addition, the pain medication and anesthetic may alter the regularity of your bowel movements in the days following surgery. There may be tiny scars from the entry points that can be treated once they are closed and healed.


Is a myomectomy painful?
Myomectomies affect many layers of flesh and muscle, making this a relatively intense procedure to recover from. There may be some swelling and pain following your procedure, which you can receive medication for managing upon request. If you notice your pain intensifying, please contact your provider at Gynecology and Cosmetic Surgery Center of Atlanta to touch base.


If you have uterine fibroids, myomectomy could be an ideal option to remove your fibroids and preserve your fertility. At Gynecology and Cosmetic Surgery Center of Atlanta, our team takes a thorough approach and will review all of your options before deciding on the best treatment for you. We invite you to contact our office near Norcross, GA to book an appointment with Dr. Sotomayor.


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