Our Gynecology Services

Well-Woman Exam

A well-woman exam is a yearly gynecology visit that involves a physical exam, Pap smear, and lab tests to monitor your sexual and reproductive health.

Pap Smear

A Pap smear (or Pap test) is performed to check for cervical cancer by taking a small tissue sample from the cervix during a routine well-woman exam.

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) is abnormally excessive blood loss during your period that can cause fatigue, clotting, and severe cramps.

Pelvic Pain

Chronic, unexplained pelvic pain near your reproductive organs can be troubling, but it can be diagnosed and treated by a trained gynecologist.

Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual problems, like low libido, difficulty with arousal, and painful intercourse, can pose challenges for women, but treatments are available.

Family Planning

Natural family planning involves tracking your ovulation cycles to achieve or prevent pregnancy while avoiding the side effects of birth control.


Our practice specializes in providing infertility treatments for women who have not been able to get pregnant after a year of having unprotected sex.

Hormone Management

Your body naturally loses progesterone and estrogen during menopause, but hormone therapy can help balance your hormones and improve your well-being.


Endometriosis occurs when a woman's uterine tissue lining grows outside the uterus, leading to severe pelvic pain and problems with fertility.

STD Testing

If you are sexually active, STD testing is a routine part of monitoring your sexual and reproductive health by checking for common infections.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.

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